Improving the prospects of rural communities in Sierra Leone through the provision of schools and effective education

Effective Education


Education is vital. It gives people power, opportunity and choice. We have improved accessibility and quality of education in rural communities of Sierra Leone, helping educate 200 students.

We build schools

We have built eight primary schools and two secondary schools. They are within fifteen miles of each other and are interconnected, supporting each other and sharing facilities.

We train and sponsor teachers

Beyond building schools, we make sure they run successfully and sustainably.

We improve adult literacy

We make sure the whole community benefit from the schools. One example of this is offering adult literacy classes in addition to primary education.

We overcome seemingly unsurmountable barriers. We involve the entire community in our work, ensuring everyone sees the benefit of working together with a common goal. We give sufficient support to villages, so that schools continue to run themselves.


Supporting the community


Nothing happens without discussion to fully understand the needs of the community and we view this as one of the most important aspects of our work.


This collaboration is key to the success of the work we do. Works are then planned to provide the maximum impact for the community.


Because the whole community is involved and due to their superb efforts, we can provide things at a fraction of the normal cost.

Vocational training for women


Women hold an important position in the communities, we make sure to consult their advice. Their support has been key to the success of our work.



We offer a range of courses including agriculture, carpentry, candle making and tailoring alongside literacy, aimed at upskilling women and generating income.



We continually review the training and consult women taking the courses to ensure they are useful, sustainable and enjoyable.


Removing Barriers

We identify and remove barriers that may prevent women attending classes, including the provision of child care and electricity.

We work with communities to demonstrate how FGM and early marriage disturbs girls’ education. We have successfully eliminated these practices where we work.

Campaigning against Female Genital Mutilation


We have agreements that Female Genital Mutilation will not be carried out on girls and that they will not be expected to marry before the age of twenty one.

Improving Girls’ Education

By removing these barriers, we ensure all girls can continue their education undisturbed.


So far, in the villages where we work, eight hundred women have signed agreements to curb FGM and early marriage.

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We proudly say that our charity is different to others, administration costs are kept to an absolute minimum and by involving the entire village population, we are confident that the whole community benefits
— Caroline Whitfield