
The children in school need access to clean drinking water. It was a comment from one of our head teachers that reaffirmed how important it is to ensure there is a water well by every school. The head teacher said, 'I am worried about the snakes when our children go to fetch a drink'. It turned out that the part of the river bank that was closest to the school was covered in thick vegetation and an ideal habitat for the highly poisonous snakes that reside throughout Sierra Leone. When we investigated further, we also discovered that there were a number of other hazards associated with getting a drink of water. We, therefore, made a water well for each school a priority. Of course, the wells are highly appreciated by all people who live close to the school.

When one water well failed due to the lowering of the water table during the dry season, the community undertook to carry out the work needed to increase the reliability. The whole village takes pride in the facilities that have been provided and are determined to care for them to ensure they will continue to serve the community for many years to come.

The wells were all dug and constructed between March and June 2021.